
Baby packages: Every stage of a baby’s life is a series of special moments and photography is a way to capture those moments at the right time.

Newborn Baby Session
Those first few weeks after childbirth seem to fly by in a surreal blur with very little else happening but a constant cycle of feeding, changing & sleeping (if you’re lucky!) not leaving you much time for anything else. It’s so easy to forget how small and fragile newborns are. Their tiny little hands & feet, their curled up bodies and their little newborn features that you’ll want to remember forever. You’ll have enough on your plate with a newborn to look after so we’ll aim to make your newborn photo session as easy and relaxed as possible. To capture that gorgeous newborn look, you should think about having your session within the first 2 weeks of birth before they start to uncurl!

Older Baby Session
Your child’s first year is choc-a-bloc with moments you’ll want to remember. When they first manage to sit by themselves, cut their first few teeth, start to crawl, take their first steps, and have their first birthday party. A great time to photograph your baby is when they’re about 6-9 months – that stage when they can sit up by themselves but they’re not quite on the move yet and can’t run away from the camera! They’re faces are full of expressions and emotions and they’re extremely inquisitive.

Things you might like to know about your photo session:

  • We will come to your home as this will probably be where you and your baby will feel most comfortable.
  • You don’t need to worry about tidying up and making loads of room for us, as we don’t need much space.
  • We don’t use flash or cumbersome lighting setup for our newborn sessions allowing us to move about freely and find the best available natural light. We’ll more than likely want to set up next to a window or glass door, ideally in a bright part of your home.
  • If everything does go according to plan we could be finished within an hour.  If it doesn’t, don’t worry we’re happy to allow for plenty of breaks for you to feed, change or just cuddle your little baby, whatever it takes. If it takes two hours to get it done then that’s fine too.  

Baby Shoot Tips
  • Newborns change so quickly! In order to capture them as newborns before their little features start to change, we recommend getting your photo session done before they’re 2 weeks old.
  • Babies look their purest and most natural when they’re naked. Clothes can get in the way and hide their fragile features.
  • Wear something comfortable and lightweight as the room will be quite warm. Darker colours tend to work better in black & white images as they don’t detract from the baby as much as white or lighter colours.